Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra wrote:
I propose a small change in module.
I think I'm generally in favour of such a change. However:
- please don't post patches to python-dev, unless you *want* them to be ignored. Typically, nobody will pick up patches from python-dev and apply them, except for rare cases (e.g. urgent bug fixes of serious breakages); post to SF instead. - please accompany your change with a documentation patch. It may be that the exact search procedure for browsers is not specified yet; take that chance and specify it so clearly that the code without your patch would actually conflict with the documentation, so that readers of the new code can verify that this is indeed the documentation-mandated behaviour. - consider integration of test cases. As this involves startup code and environment variables, I would be willing to waive the test case requirement here as unimplementable. However, do consider writing test cases.
Additionally, there are several patches on SF that pertain to; perhaps you can review some of them... Reinhold -- Mail address is perfectly valid!