Before hooking on to some more PathBuiltinImporters ;-), I'd like to spawn a thread leading in a different direction... There has been some discussion on what we really expect of the import mechanism to be able to do. Here's a summary of what I think we need: * compatibility with the existing import mechanism * imports from library archives (e.g. .pyl or .par-files) * a modified intra package import lookup scheme (the thingy which I call "walk-me-up-Scotty" patch -- see previous posts) And for some fancy stuff: * imports from URLs (e.g. these could be put on the path for automatic inclusion in the import scan or be passed explicitly to __import__) * a (file based) static lookup cache to enhance lookup performance which is enabled via a command line switch (rather than being enabled per default), so that the user can decide whether to apply this optimization or not The point I want to make is: there aren't all that many features we are really looking for, so why not incorporate these into the builtin importer and only *then* start thinking about schemes for hooks, managers, etc. ?! -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 37 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/