Scott Gilbert wrote:
--- Todd Miller <> wrote:
I don't understand what you say, but I believe you.

I meant we call  PyBuffer_FromReadWriteObject and the resulting buffer 
lives longer than the extension function call that created it. I have
heard that it is possible for the original object to "move" leaving the
buffer object pointer to it dangling.

Yes. The PyBufferObject grabs the pointer from the PyBufferProcs
supporting object when the PyBufferObject is created. If the PyBufferProcs
supporting object reallocates the memory (possibly from a resize) the
Thanks for the example.

PyBufferObject can be left with a bad pointer. This is easily possible if
you try to use the array module arrays as a buffer.
This is good to know.

I've submitted a patch to fix this particular problem (among others), but
there are still enough things that the buffer object can't do that
something new is needed.
I understand.  I saw your patches and they sounded good to me.

Maybe instead of the buffer() function/type, there should be a way to
allocate raw memory?

Yes.    It would also be nice to be able to:

1. Know (at the python level) that a type supports the buffer C-API.

Good idea.  (I guess right now you can see if calling buffer() with an
instance as argument works. :-)

2.  Copy bytes from one buffer to another (writeable buffer).  

And the copy operations shouldn't create any large temporaries:
I agree with this completely.    I could summarize my opinion by saying that while
I regard the current buffering system as pretty complete,  the buffer object places emphasis
on the wrong behavior.  In terms of modelling memory regions, strings are the wrong way
to go.   

buf1 = memory(50000)
buf2 = memory(50000)
# no 10K temporary should be created in the next line
buf1[10000:20000] = buf2[30000:40000]

The current buffer object could be used like this, but it would create a
temporary string.
Looking at buffering most of this week, the fact that mmap slicing also returns strings is one justification I've found for having a buffer object,  i.e.,  mmap slicing is not a substitute for the buffer object.  The buffer object makes it possible to partition a mmap or any bufferable object into pseudo-independent, possibly writable, pieces.  

One justification to have a new buffer object is pickling (one of Scott's posts alerted me to this).   I think the behavior we want for numarray is to be able to pickle a view of a bufferable object more or less like a string containing the buffer image, and to unpickle it as a memory object.   The prospect of adding pickling support makes me wonder if seperating the allocator and view aspects of the buffer object is a good idea;  I thought it was, but now I wonder.

So getting an efficient copy operation seems to require that slices just
create new "views" to the same memory.
Other justifications for a new buffer object might be:

1. The ability to partition any bufferable object into regions which can be passed around.  These regions
would themselves be buffers.

2. The ability to efficiently pickle a view of any bufferable object.

Maybe you would like to work on a requirements gathering for a memory

Sure.  I'd be willing to poll comp.lang.python (python-list?) and 
collate the results of any discussion that ensues. Is that what you had
in mind?

In the PEP that I'm drafting, I've been calling the new object "bytes"
(since it is just a simple array of bytes). Now that you guys are
referring to it as the "memory object", should I change the name? Doesn't
really matter, but it might avoid confusion to know we're all talking about
the same thing.

Calling this a memory type  sounds the best to me.  The question I have not resolved for myself
is whether there should be one type which "does it all" or two types, a memory allocator and a bufferable
object manipulator.  

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