If you've commented and you're worried you haven't been heard, please add your issue *concisely* to this new thread. Note that the following issues are already open and will be responded to separately; please don't bother commenting on these until we've done so:
- Alternative spellings for '|'
- Whether to add an 'else' clause (and how to indent it)
- A different token for wildcards instead of '_'
- What to do about the footgun of 'case foo' vs. 'case .foo'
I'd like also to see considerations about the issue of an alternative spelling that would
not resemble a class instantiation, brought first by Antoine Pitrou:
case Point with (x, y):
print(f"Got a point with x={x}, y={y}")
And somewhere on the other thread, someone pointed
the possibility of all assignments in a case be well
delimited, even with angle parentheses - (yes, that
addresses the "foot gun" again, but it is a step beyond
dot or not dot in instant-readability:
case Point with (<x>, <y>):
print(f"Got a point with x={x}, y={y}")
(AFAIC, the "dot" thing falls in the category of speckles on Tim's monitor)
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