"MvL" == Martin v Loewis <martin@v.loewis.de> writes:
>> There's also the issue of upgrading. Suppose someone has >> created a database using bsddb in Python 2.2. When they >> upgrade to Python 2.3, they'll get an exception when they open >> the database, because Sleepycat DB 4.x can't open BSD DB 1.85 >> databases. What do we tell them to do? MvL> Whether this happens somewhat depends on the system. On MvL> Linux, it won't happen, since people likely have been using MvL> Sleepycat DB, anyway, through db_185.h. Also note that just because they used the 1.85 version of the API doesn't necessarily mean they've got a 1.85 version of the database file format. They could be using a newer version of the library in 1.85-compat mode. -Barry