Greg Stein wrote:
Skip Montanaro wrote:
Gordon> In the soon-to-be-published beta version of my installer, I've Gordon> got that down to exceptions.py.
Why not just run exceptions.py through Python2C, visually and experimentally verify that it works, then ship an exceptions.c as an optional module?
Optional module... Good idea. But it is easier to use freeze within the optional module. So I wrote a "boot" built in module, where bootmodule.c is created by the Python program bootmake.py. All this lives in ./Modules. Boot incorporates exceptions.pyc etc. as frozen modules without breaking the current freeze feature. I changed pythonrun.c to load "boot" after sys but before any other imports, but only if it exists as a built in module, otherwise no error. Boot has methods to turn it on and off, and to print its contents. Please take a look at ftp://ftp.interet.com/pub/bootmodule.html I think this is a good solution for how to build in imputil.py. Jim Ahlstrom