I get pretty much the same thing as the OP on Chrome 99.0.4844.58; Android 11; Pixel 2 XL; Build RP1A.201005.004.A1.However, it gets more readable if I force Desktop site and zoom a bit. These facts are pretty common for a lot of websites, and I never gave it much thought. But yes, the mobile version could be better responsive.On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 5:17 PM Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:On 3/15/2022 10:06 AM, Nathan Cook wrote:
> Please make https://peps.python.org/ <https://peps.python.org/> more
> responsive to various form factors
> See attached screenshot from Chrome version 99.0.4844.58 on my Pixel
> 3aXL running Android 12
Are you sure that the site looks any different that it did at the older
url, www.python.org/peps/ ? In any case, when I go there with Chrome on
my (old) Nexus 6P, pages are originally wrapped to the screen size. If
I zoom in, a horizontal scrollbar is added (and suppressed) and I have
to scroll horizontally with my finger. On the phone, Google search page
results act the same. So do the wikipedia pages I tested. (On my
desktop monitor, they rewrap on both Chrome and Firefox, although the
layout is different in the two browswers.)
Terry Jan Reedy
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