If you look at the version picker on docs.python.org you will see that we already have the docs for 3.10 and 3.11 available. I don't know if they are updated per release right now or per commit.
I understand that they are available options. To clarify my suggestion, I think that 3.11 should be updated on a per commit basis (continuous deployment); including updating the what's new pages continuously. If that is not done already, I'm curious if it is been looked into before, and whether it might be possible to set things up like this? I was originally thinking that 3.10 documentation should be deployed continuously as well, but on further thought I realized that that would put the beta releases out of sync with the documentation which obviously does not make any sense. Maybe we could add a new tab to the version picker called 3.10/HEAD or similar. Maybe there's another solution? Either way, continuous deployment of documentation for 3.11 (or whatever version cpython/HEAD is at any given time) seems like it should be the norm if it isn't already. If that is already the case, I'm sorry for the noise! I still think that continuous deployment of documentation on the head of the beta or alpha release branches is worth considering, maybe with a different label on docs.python.org like "cpython/3.10@latest" or similar. On Thu, Aug 12, 2021, 12:46 PM Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 6:04 AM Jack DeVries <jdevries3133@gmail.com> wrote:
On a broader note, how does the deployment pipeline for documentation work? It seems to me that for branches that are in pre-release (3.10) or active development (3.11), the documentation should be continuously deployed, while deployment of changes to earlier documentation should follow minor releases for those versions.
Sorry this question is naive -- I don't know how it works currently. Would it be possible to set something like this up?
If you look at the version picker on docs.python.org you will see that we already have the docs for 3.10 and 3.11 available. I don't know if they are updated per release right now or per commit.
On Thu, Aug 12, 2021, 3:02 AM Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka@gmail.com> wrote:
11.08.21 21:35, Brett Cannon пише:
So my question is whether we want to push to be more diligent about updating What's New by b1 so people can provide feedback during the betas beyond just reporting breaking changes?
I think that What's New should be updated as soon as possible, immediately after the addition of the feature. I started contributing to Python after reading What's New for one of early alphas of 3.3 (and the questioned feature was changed later). There were other examples, when features were advertised in alphas, but were changed after getting a feedback before betas.
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