On Thu, 2 May 2013 15:48:14 -0400Two things that were suggested in private:
Benjamin Peterson <benjamin@python.org> wrote:
> 2013/5/2 Ethan Furman <ethan@stoneleaf.us>:
> > In order for the Enum convenience function to be pickleable, we have this
> > line of code in the metaclass:
> >
> > enum_class.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']
> >
> > This works fine for Cpython, but what about the others?
> Regardless of that, perhaps we should come up with better ways to do this.
1) ask users to pass the module name to the convenience function
explicitly (i.e. pass "seasonmodule.Season" instead of "Season" as the
class "name"). Guido doesn't like it :-)
2) dicth the "convenience function" and replace it with a regular
class-based syntax. Ethan doesn't like it :-)