[Raymond Hettinger] #- So, my question for the group is whether to: #- #- * leave it as-is #- * raise a ValueError just like float('abc') or int('abc') #- * raise an Invalid Operation and return a quiet NaN. I'll go for leaving it as-is:
import Decimal d = Decimal.Decimal('rdd') d Decimal("NaN") Decimal.getcontext().trap_enablers[Decimal.ConversionSyntax] = True d = Decimal.Decimal('rdd') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in ? d = Decimal.Decimal('rdd') File "D:\Facundo\python\Decimal.py", line 445, in __init__ >>> Decimal(314) # int or long File "D:\Facundo\python\Decimal.py", line 594, in _convertString return self._int != (0,)*len(self._int) File "D:\Facundo\python\Decimal.py", line 2167, in _raise_error ConversionSyntax
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