yes I'm happy - chris
You should be! So how come nobody else is <wink/frown>?
Im a little unhappy as this will break the Active Debugging stuff - ie, the ability for Python, Java, Perl, VBScript etc to all exist in the same process, each calling each other, and each being debuggable (makes a _great_ demo :-) Im not _really_ unhappy, Im just throwing this in as an FYI. The Active Debugging interfaces need some way of sorting a call stack. As many languages may be participating in a debugging session, there is no implicit ordering available. Inter-language calls are not made via the debugger, so it has no chance to intercept. So the solution MS came up with was, surprise surprise, the machine stack! :-) The assumption is that all languages will make _some_ use of the stack, so they ask a language to report its "stack base address" and "stack size". Using this information, the debugger sorts into the correct call sequence. Indeed, getting this information (even the half of it I did manage :-) was painful, and hard to get right. Ahh, the joys of bleeding-edge technologies :-)
Let's fire some imagination here: without the stinkin' C stack snaking its
I tried, and look what happened :-) Seriously, some if this stuff would be way cool. Bit I also understand completely the silence on this issue. When the thread started, there was much discussion about exactly what the hell these continuation/coroutine thingies even were. However, there were precious few real-world examples where they could be used. A few acedemic, theoretical places, but the only real contender I have seen brought up was Medusa. There were certainly no clear examples of "as soon as we have this, I could change abc to take advantage, and this would give us the very cool xyz" So, if anyone else if feeling at all like me about this issue, they are feeling all warm and fuzzy knowing that a few smart people are giving us the facility to do something we hope we never, ever have to do. :-) Mark.