On 27 February 2013 19:26, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
On 27 February 2013 19:08, Armin Rigo <arigo@tunes.org> wrote:
That's not correct: you can't indeed give the calling convention, but it is not needed for the common case. What is not supported is only Python-defined callbacks using the Windows-specific convention --- as documented, there is a workaround for that case.
OK, that's cool. As I said, I really need to actually experiment with cffi - this thread has certainly made me want to do so.
Actually, looking at the cffi documentation, I can't see how I'd translate the following very simple example of something I do quite a lot in ctypes: from ctypes import windll MessageBox = windll.User32.MessageBoxW MessageBox(0, "Hello, world!", "Title", 0) Note - I wrote this from memory, I honestly don't know without looking it up the precise argument types for MessageBoxW - and even if I did, I suspect they would all be macros from windows.h. I don't want to invoke the C compiler by using verify, and I don't see in the docs how I'd get the macro definitions any other way. If anyone could show me a cffi equivalent, I'd be very grateful. Paul