On 19 June 2002, Gerhard H?ring said:
* Barry A. Warsaw <barry@zope.com> [2002-06-18 22:34 -0400]:
The problem is that unless your sysadmin hacks ld.so.conf to add /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.X.Y/lib onto your standard ld run path, bsddbmodule.so won't be linked in such a way that it can actually resolve the symbols at run time. [...] os.environ['LD_RUN_PATH'] = dblib_dir
I may be missing something here, but AFAIC that's what the library_dirs parameter in the Extension constructor of distutils is for. It basically sets the runtime library path at compile time using the "-R" linker option.
No, library_dirs is for good old -L. AFAIK it works fine. For -R (or equivalent) you need runtime_library_dirs. I'm not sure if it works (or ever did). I think it's a question of knowing what magic options to supply to each compiler. Probably it works (worked) on Solaris, since for once Sun got things right and supplied a simple, obvious, working command-line option -- namely -R. Greg -- Greg Ward - programmer-at-large gward@python.net http://starship.python.net/~gward/ Jesus Saves -- and you can too, by redeeming these valuable coupons!