On Mon, 29 Mar 2021, 7:47 pm Mark Shannon, <mark@hotpy.org> wrote:

[Guido wrote] 
> Also, I think that we should probably separate this out in two separate
> flag sets, one for subjects and one for class patterns -- it is pretty
> confusing to merge the flag sets into a single value when their
> applicability (subject or class pattern) is so different.

That would require two different special attributes, which adds bulk
without adding any value.

    __match_kind__ = MATCH_SEQUENCE | MATCH_DEFAULT

should be clear to anyone familiar with integer flags.

The combined flags might be clearer if the class matching flags were "MATCH_CLS_DEFAULT" and "MATCH_CLS_SELF"

Without that, it isn't obvious that they're modifying the way class matching works.

Alternatively, given Guido's suggestion of two attributes, they could be "__match_container__" and "__match_class__".

The value of splitting them is that they should compose better under inheritance - the container ABCs could set "__match_container__" appropriately without affecting the way "__match_class__" is set.

An implementation might flatten them out at class definition time for optimisation reasons, but it wouldn't need to be part of the public API.
