Jeremy Hylton wrote:
On 3/27/06, Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au> wrote:
Ok, it's time to rock and roll.
The SVN trunk is FROZEN for 2.5a1 from 00:00 UTC on Thursday 30th of March.
I'll post again once it's open. Note that new features can keep going in during the alpha cycle, the feature freeze only happens once we hit beta. And we're not going to hit beta until the features we want are in.
Please help in making this release as painless as possible by not checking in while the trunk is frozen.
There's a bug day on Friday. http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBugDay
It seems a bit senseless to freeze the trunk the day before the bug day. All the bugs I'm planning to work on are important for the alpha. How much inconvenience will it case to delay the freeze until after the bug day? I'd say we should push the alpha a whole week rather than screw up the bug day.
As the one who scheduled the bug day, I second that. (I really should have read the freeze message more closely, thanks Jeremy) Georg