+1 remove it to match that policy. I find it unlikely someone will ask for it to be restored, but our first response before doing so should be to see if they can instead use it as a dependency via PyPI: Someone who wants to maintain it for future use can take 3.8 formatter module and put it there.-gpsOn Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 10:43 AM Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svetlov@gmail.com> wrote:I have no objections, the module raises the explicit deprecation
warning since 2013.
On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 7:31 PM Victor Stinner <vstinner@python.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I proposed https://bugs.python.org/issue39352 to remove the formatter
> module. It's deprecated since Python 3.4. The main reason why it's
> still around is the PEP 4 rule:
> "In order to facilitate writing code that works in both Python 2 & 3
> simultaneously, any module that exists in both Python 3.5 and Python
> 2.7 will not be removed from the standard library until Python 2.7 is
> no longer supported as specified by PEP 373."
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0004/#for-modules-existing-in-both-python-2-7-and-python-3-5
> Python 2.7 is not longer supported. So can we now remove the formatter module?
> The module has no test, I failed to find any user in a dummy GitHub
> code search and I didn't know that this module even existed.
> We can still revert the module before 3.9.0 final release if someone
> shows up and asks to keep it for one more cycle.
> My intent here is to reduce the size of the Python standard library to
> reduce the maintenance burden. Python became quite large and it's more
> and more expensive to maintain it. Wait... I'm not asking to remove
> all modules of the standard library :-) The decision must be taken on
> a case by case basis, for each module. Here I'm only taking about the
> formatter module.
> Victor
> --
> Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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