On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 10:03 PM Stephen J. Turnbull <turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
*Creating* plausible issues is hard work, I assure you as a university
professor.  Coming up with "exercises" that are not makework requires
expertise in both the domain and in educational psychology.  (Some
people are "just good at it", of course, but it's quite clear from
popular textbooks that most are not.)  I think that would be a very
unproductive use of developer time, especially since "git clone; git
checkout some-tag-in-2017" is pretty much what you're asking for

Maybe selecting already solved issues which theoretically takes
away the pain of mimicking real-world scenarios. Great to have the
insights from someone behind the scenes of exercises

The problem is not a lack of issues to practice on.  It's that (1) the
PR process itself is a barrier, or at least an annoyance, and (2) many
new contributors need mentoring.  (Or think they do.  Some just need
encouragment, others need help on technique, but both groups are more
or less blocked without the mentoring.)

I think setting up is not that hard. VStinner contributed a great piece in the
sense of https://cpython-core-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ if someone
gets stuck, he can ping the list or something like that . Like once you set
the project running i guess what you need is contribute or explore and 
understand, both theoretically solved using the educational repo. Like you
need to find something to do before the interest wanes away. As Terry Reedy
encourages, getting more and more people to contribute ensures that at least
a couple of people passes through the vital processes need to get people
going/becoming  a regular contributor. This idea aims to make this process 

And, of course, real contribution involves a lot of unfun work.
Writing tests, writing documentation, explaining to other developers
who start out -1 because they don't get it, overcoming your own mental
blocks to changing your submission because *you* don't get it, and on
and on.  A lot of newcomers think "I'm not good at that, if I have to
do it I can't contribute" (and a few selfishly think they can just do
the fun parts and achieve fame and fortune), but you know, "if not
you, then who?  If you don't do it for Python, where are you going to
be able to contribute?"

Having past solved issues picked out and documented some more in increasing
level of difficulty seems to iron out the issues.
To be honest, although I'm not a specialist in organizational behavior
and am operating with a small sample, I can say that from the point of
view of identifying tasks, finding solutions, and implementing them,
Python is the most effective non-hierarchical organization I've ever
seen.  I can't say I've seen more than one or two hierarchical
organizations that are significantly better at implementing solutions
and don't burn up their workers in the process -- and the ones I'm
thinking of are way smaller than Python.  (Yes, I know that there are
people who have gotten burned up in Python, too.  We can do better on
that, but Python does not deliberately sacrifice people to the

I agree that the Python community is awesome, the different WGs act like
great departments, people do give  a lot of time but being subscribed in 
here for some years made me see some recurring patterns. Also, while
organising FlaskCon, we got some really great insights into the community.
The usergroup page where usergroups are listed is a big lie in the sense that
though is lists all usergroups once initiated, the real picture is way different.
We contacted a great deal of them. Here and there there is room for improvement
in the machinery.
I have to point out that there's a whole crew over on corementorship
doing this work, and at least one Very Senior Developer with their own
private mentoring program.[1]  IMO, that is a big part of why Python
is as successful as it is.  If more senior developers would take on
these tasks it would have a big effect downstream.  But emotional work
is hard, and it comes in big chunks.  In many situations you have to
follow through, on the mentee's schedule, or the mentee will "slip the
hook and swim away."  So it's a big ask.  I'm willing to make that ask
in the abstract, but there's not even one senior developer I'm able to
point to and say "definitely that person would do more for Python by
mentoring than by hacking".  It's a very hard problem.

That's why i guess what i am proposing might seem simple but it's fundamentally
putting CPython contribution mentoring in auto-pilot mode. I've seen as i said VStinner's
initiative and initiatives like these pay off far more than just the docs though it can be 
included in the docs, but having some tidbit liberty addresses some on the fly issues.
But not all people have time for that as juggling work, life and OpenSource is a great
problem to solve.
Personally i intend to help setting up the basics of it but it requires me to become a regular
contributor, in the meanwhile, sharing some obeservations, ticking off some todos until
i resume interest in tackling issues.

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer