Ok. That's true. It's technically correct as phrased. I glossed over the "compared to" aspect. I still think it could be made more clear.
On 2020-05-15 20:36, David Mertz wrote:
> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:55 PM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com
> <mailto:eric@trueblade.com>> wrote:
> Also: The PEP says "At most one additional item may be consumed from
> one of the iterators when compared to normal zip usage." I think
> this should be prefaced with "If ValueError is raised ...". Also,
> why does it say "at most one additional item". How could it ever be
> less than one?
> This struck me as strange also. I mean, the wording can be improved to
> clarify "if error."
> But more significantly, it seems like it cannot conceivably be true. If
> might be "At most one additional item from EACH of the iterators."
> If I do zip_strict(a, b, c, d, e) and "e" is the one that is shorter,
> how could any algorithm ever avoid consuming one extra item of a, b, c,
> and d each?!
Well, it does say "when compared to normal zip usage".
The normal zip would consume an item of a, b, c, and d. If e is
exhausted, then zip would just stop, but zip_strict would raise
ValueError. There would be no difference in the number of items consumed
but not used.
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