By contrast, requiring a github account for
reporting bugs also makes
python an unwelcoming place for non-developers
in general. Github is a
developers' social network, "mere" users are
much less likely to want to
be part of it. Many will just silently abandon
their bug report.
But you don’t need to be “part of
it” in any meaningful way. One only needs to
create an account, which could be quite
anonymous, and even temporary.
And is no harder, and probably
easier, than creating an account on a
Python-specific site.
Also: cPython is a large, complex,
and mature project. I don't think many
non-developers can even identify a true bug,
much less write a helpful big report. There are
many other ways to be involved in and contribute
to the Python community that don't require a
gitHub (or any) account.
I understand the issue here — I
feel that way about businesses that use Facebook
for their website. But in that case, I can’t
even read it without a Facebook account. I don’t
mind needing an account to contribute to a
And while GitHub has become the
dominant player in Open Source development— it
has not (yet?) reached out to control much