On 19.01.2016 00:20, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Sun, 17 Jan 2016 at 11:10 Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
While doing a review of http://bugs.python.org/review/26129/ I asked to have curly braces put around all `if` statement bodies. Serhiy pointed out that PEP 7 says curly braces are optional: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0007/#id5. I would like to change that.
My argument is to require them to prevent bugs like the one Apple made with OpenSSL about two years ago: https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/02/22/applebug.html. Skipping the curly braces is purely an aesthetic thing while leaving them out can lead to actual bugs.
Anyone object if I update PEP 7 to remove the optionality of curly braces in PEP 7?
Currently this thread stands at:
Make that:
+1 Brett Ethan Robert Georg Nick Maciej Szulik +0 Guido -0 Serhiy -1 MAL Victor (maybe; didn't specifically vote) Larry Stefan
There are plenty other cases where typos can ruin the flow of your code in C; the discussed case is not a very common one. I find the whole discussion a bit strange: In Python we're advocating not having to use curly braces, because whitespace already provides the needed semantics for us, yet you are now advocating that without adding extra curly braces we'd be in danger of writing wrong code. The Apple bug can happen in Python just as well: if a: run_if_true() else: run_if_false() can turn into (say by hitting a wrong key in the editor): if a: run_if_true() run_if_false() (run_if_false is now run when a is true, and nothing is done in case a is false) So what's the correct way to address this ? It's having a test for both branches (a is true, a is false), not starting to write e.g. if a: run_if_true() if not a: run_if false() to feel more "secure". Also note that the extra braces won't necessarily help you. If you remove "else" from: if (a) { run_if_true(); } else { run_if_false(); } you get exactly the same Apply bug as before, only with more curly braces. This all sounds a bit like security theater to me ;-) I'd say: people who feel better using the extra braces can use them, while others who don't need them can go ahead as always ... and both groups should write more tests :-) BTW: There are other things in PEP 7 which should probably be updated instead, e.g. it still says we should use C89, but we're having more and more C99 code (mostly new library functions) in CPython. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jan 19 2016)
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