"Paul" == Paul Prescod <paulp@ActiveState.com> writes:
Paul> Also, every time we'd point to a feature of Python (OO Paul> syntax, exception handling, generators, *) that was clearly Paul> better than Perl, Randal claimed it was already slated to be Paul> fixed for Perl 6. We suggested he print t-shirts with that Paul> refrain. The funny thing is, you can make it to almost rhyme (enough for a pop song at least... you could do a filk on that, maybe). "Slated to be fixed / in Perl 6". ;-) Bye, J PS: Do I have to mention I'm behind in my email? ^___^ PPS: I don't have any SF-fandom and/or filking experience... I don't even know if I used the term correctly (do you call such a song a "filk"?). But I think the meaning is clear... -- Jürgen A. Erhard (juergen.erhard@gmx.net, jae@users.sf.net) MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html Life's Better Without Braces (http://www.python.org) Comes in two sizes: huge and Oh-My-God.