If the problem is AV scanners, then they should be opening them properly for this (and since the delete is not failing but is being deferred, I assume it's allowing deletes). If the problem is elsewhere in our code base then we have a different bug.


Top-posted from my Windows 10 phone


From: eryk sun
Sent: Sunday, 29 July 2018 15:28
To: python-dev@python.org
Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Tests failing on Windows with TESTFN


On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 12:35 PM, Steve Dower <steve.dower@python.org> wrote:


> One additional thing that may help (if support.unlink doesn't already do it)

> is to rename the file before deleting it. Renames are always possible even

> with open handles, and then you can create a new file at the original name.


Renaming open files typically fails with a sharing violation (32).

Most programs open files with read and write sharing but not delete

sharing. This applies to Python, except temporary files (i.e.

os.O_TEMPORARY) do share delete access. Renaming a file is effectively

adding a new link and deleting the old link, so it requires opening

the file with delete access. Also, renaming a directory that has open

files in the tree fails with access denied (5).


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