Hello again Mark, I took some time looking in more detail at your proposal, and these are my thoughts. I'm writing with the assumption that this proposal describes some "internal" representation of match statements which is never exposed to the users (so I'd mostly steer away from lexical/syntactic preferences). 

My first general thought is that this is a useful way to describe and discuss implementation, although I wouldn't wait on refinement of this to choose whether to accept/reject PEP 634 (or 642, or your favourite alternative), work can be done on parallel. It may be a good idea to wait for your proposal to be refined before landing a specific implementation into CPython (including how the chosen implementation, assuming it's accepted, desugars into your semantics).

Going into more details, here's a list of thoughts on more specific points:

  1. You mention a goal about "erroneous patterns" (which I'm still not sure I agree on), and your proposal addresses that by forcing classes to be explicit (via __atributes__ and __deconstruct__) about what attributes are accepted as matches. This is against one design principle that's not in your list but it was (at least implicitly) in PEP622 and 634: "pattern matching must allow matching objects on types not specifically designed for it"; this will allow to apply this feature to classes that you can not modify (like instances created by a 3rd party library ). That's why PEP634 relies on getattr() ; that could be extended in the feature (providing some override using attributes like yours) but that wouldn't be required by default
  2. We considered and discussed something similar to the __deconstruct__ approach (as an override for getattr()), and also noted is potentially expensive, requiring to allocate an object and evaluate *all* attributes, even if only one is required. That is against the principle of " it should perform at least as well as an equivalent sequence of if, elif statements."
  3. You removed or patterns, and added multiple "case P" for each case body. This easily covers cases where the multiple options are at top level in the pattern, but if the or-pattern is in a subpattern you have to duplicate much of the outer context. And this "duplication" is actually exponential on the number of or patterns, so for matching the pattern "[0|1, 0|1, 0|1, 'foo'|'bar'|'baz']" you need to desugar this into 24 case clauses.
  4. Something else about decomposing patterns into multiple case clauses is that it makes it harder to express the constraint that all alternatives must bind the same variable.
  5. I found a bit confusing to read the multiple cases on top. It looks like C switch statements, which fall-through by default, but in a context where some case clauses do fall-through (if empty) and others aren't (if they have a body, even if it's "pass"). I know this is not user exposed syntax so it's not that important, but this made the description harder to read for me.
  6. Given the previous points, added to not seeing the gains of not putting the or patterns into the desugared version, I'd prefer it to be included in the desugaring.
  7. I think there's some surprising behaviour in the assignments being done after a successful match but before the guard is evaluated. In your proposal the guard has no access to the variables, so it has to be compiled differently (using $0, $1, ... rather than the actual names that appear in the expression). And if this guard calls a function which exposes those variables in any way (for example if the variable is in a closure) I think the behaviour may be unexpected /surprising; same if I stop a debugger inside that function and try to inspect the frame where the matching statement is.
  8. I like your implementation approach to capture on the stack and then assign. I was curious if you considered, rather than using a variable number of stack cells using a single object/dict to store those values. The compiler and the generated bytecode could end up being simpler, and you need less stack juggling and possibly no PEEK operation. a small list/array would suffice, but a dict may provide further debugging opportunities (and it's likely that a split table dict could make the representation quite compact). I know this is less performant but I'm also thinking of simplicity.
  9. I think your optimisation approaches are great, the spec was made lax expecting for people like you to come up with a proposal of this kind :) I don't think the first implementation of this should be required to optimize/implement things in a certain way, but if the spec is turned into implementation dependent and then fixed, it shouldn't break anything (it's like the change in dictionary order moving to "undefined/arbitrary" to "preserving insertion order") and can be done later one
Thanks again,


On Mon, 16 Nov 2020 at 14:44, Mark Shannon <mark@hotpy.org> wrote:
Hi everyone,

There has been much discussion on the syntax of pattern matching for
Python (in case you hadn't noticed ;)

Unfortunately the semantics seem to have been somewhat overlooked.
What pattern matching actually does seems at least as important as the

I believe that a pattern matching implementation must have the following

* The semantics must be precisely defined.
* It must be implemented efficiently.
* Failed matches must not pollute the enclosing namespace.
* Objects should be able determine which patterns they match.
* It should be able to handle erroneous patterns, beyond just syntax errors.

PEP 634 and PEP 642 don't have *any* of these properties.

I've written up a document to specify a possible semantics of pattern
matching for Python that has the above properties, and includes reasons
why they are necessary.


It's in the format of a PEP, but it isn't a complete PEP as it lacks
surface syntax.

Please, let me know what you think.

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