18.05.2015, 02:50, Guido van Rossum kirjoitti:
On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Alex Grönholm <alex.gronholm@nextday.fi> wrote:
Looking at PEP 484, I came up with two use cases that I felt were not catered for:
  1. Specifying that a parameter should be a subclass of another (example: Type[dict] would match dict or OrderedDict; plain "Type" would equal "type" from builtins)

I don't understand. What is "Type"? Can you work this out in a full example? This code is already okay:

def foo(a: dict):

This code is passing an instance of OrderedDict. But how can I specify that foo() accepts a subclass of dict, and not an instance thereof?

A full example:

def foo(a: Type[dict]):

foo(dict)  # ok
foo(OrderedDict)  # ok
foo({'x': 1})  # error
  1. Specifying that a callable should take at least the specified arguments but would not be limited to them: Callable[[str, int, ...], Any]

Case #2 works already (Callable[[str, int], Any] if the unspecified arguments are optional, but not if they're mandatory. Any thoughts?

For #2 we explicitly debated this and found that there aren't use cases known that are strong enough to need additional flexibility in the args of a callable. (How is the code calling the callable going to know what arguments are safe to pass?) If there really is a need we can address in a future revision.
Consider a framework where a request handler always takes a Request object as its first argument, but the rest of the arguments could be anything. If you want to only allow registration of such callables, you could do this:

def calculate_sum(request: Request, *values):
   return sum(values)

def register_request_handler(handler: Callable[[Request, ...], Any]):
--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)