fwiw Pyston has immortal objects, though with a slightly different goal and thus design [1]. I'm not necessarily advocating for our design (it makes most sense if there is a JIT involved), but just writing to report our experience of making a change like this and the compatibility effects. Importantly, our system allows for the reference count of immortal objects to change, as long as it doesn't go below half of the original very-high value. So extension code with no concept of immortality will still update the reference counts of immortal objects, but this is fine. Because of this we haven't seen any issues with extension modules. The small amount of compatibility challenges we've run into have been in testing code that checks for memory leaks. For example this code breaks on Pyston: def test(): starting_refcount = sys.getrefcount(1) doABunchOfStuff() assert sys.getrefcount(1) == starting_refcount This might work with this PEP, but we've also seen code that asserts that the refcount increases by a specific value, which I believe wouldn't. For Pyston we've simply disabled these tests, figuring that our users still have CPython to test on. Personally I consider this breakage to be small, but I hadn't seen anyone mention the potential usage of sys.getrefcount() so I thought I'd bring it up. - kmod [1] Our goal is to entirely remove refcounting operations when we can prove we are operating on an immortal object. We can prove it in a couple cases: sometimes simply, such as in Py_RETURN_NONE, but mostly our JIT will often know the immortality of objects it embeds into the code. So if we can prove statically that an object is immortal then we elide the incref/decrefs, and if we can't then we use an unmodified Py_INCREF/Py_DECREF. This means that our reference counts on immortal objects will change, so we detect immortality by checking if the reference count is at least half of the original very-high value. On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 7:13 PM Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com> wrote:
Eddie and I would appreciate your feedback on this proposal to support treating some objects as "immortal". The fundamental characteristic of the approach is that we would provide stronger guarantees about immutability for some objects.
A few things to note:
* this is essentially an internal-only change: there are no user-facing changes (aside from affecting any 3rd party code that directly relies on specific refcounts) * the naive implementation shows a 4% slowdown * we have a number of strategies that should reduce that penalty * without immortal objects, the implementation for per-interpreter GIL will require a number of non-trivial workarounds
That last one is particularly meaningful to me since it means we would definitely miss the 3.11 feature freeze. With immortal objects, 3.11 would still be in reach.
PEP: 683 Title: Immortal Objects, Using a Fixed Refcount Author: Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com>, Eddie Elizondo <eduardo.elizondorueda@gmail.com> Discussions-To: python-dev@python.org Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 10-Feb-2022 Python-Version: 3.11 Post-History: Resolution:
Abstract ========
Under this proposal, any object may be marked as immortal. "Immortal" means the object will never be cleaned up (at least until runtime finalization). Specifically, the `refcount`_ for an immortal object is set to a sentinel value, and that refcount is never changed by ``Py_INCREF()``, ``Py_DECREF()``, or ``Py_SET_REFCNT()``. For immortal containers, the ``PyGC_Head`` is never changed by the garbage collector.
Avoiding changes to the refcount is an essential part of this proposal. For what we call "immutable" objects, it makes them truly immutable. As described further below, this allows us to avoid performance penalties in scenarios that would otherwise be prohibitive.
This proposal is CPython-specific and, effectively, describes internal implementation details.
.. _refcount: https://docs.python.org/3.11/c-api/intro.html#reference-counts
Motivation ==========
Without immortal objects, all objects are effectively mutable. That includes "immutable" objects like ``None`` and ``str`` instances. This is because every object's refcount is frequently modified as it is used during execution. In addition, for containers the runtime may modify the object's ``PyGC_Head``. These runtime-internal state currently prevent full immutability.
This has a concrete impact on active projects in the Python community. Below we describe several ways in which refcount modification has a real negative effect on those projects. None of that would happen for objects that are truly immutable.
Reducing Cache Invalidation ---------------------------
Every modification of a refcount causes the corresponding cache line to be invalidated. This has a number of effects.
For one, the write must be propagated to other cache levels and to main memory. This has small effect on all Python programs. Immortal objects would provide a slight relief in that regard.
On top of that, multi-core applications pay a price. If two threads are interacting with the same object (e.g. ``None``) then they will end up invalidating each other's caches with each incref and decref. This is true even for otherwise immutable objects like ``True``, ``0``, and ``str`` instances. This is also true even with the GIL, though the impact is smaller.
Avoiding Data Races -------------------
Speaking of multi-core, we are considering making the GIL a per-interpreter lock, which would enable true multi-core parallelism. Among other things, the GIL currently protects against races between multiple threads that concurrently incref or decref. Without a shared GIL, two running interpreters could not safely share any objects, even otherwise immutable ones like ``None``.
This means that, to have a per-interpreter GIL, each interpreter must have its own copy of *every* object, including the singletons and static types. We have a viable strategy for that but it will require a meaningful amount of extra effort and extra complexity.
The alternative is to ensure that all shared objects are truly immutable. There would be no races because there would be no modification. This is something that the immortality proposed here would enable for otherwise immutable objects. With immortal objects, support for a per-interpreter GIL becomes much simpler.
Avoiding Copy-on-Write ----------------------
For some applications it makes sense to get the application into a desired initial state and then fork the process for each worker. This can result in a large performance improvement, especially memory usage. Several enterprise Python users (e.g. Instagram, YouTube) have taken advantage of this. However, the above refcount semantics drastically reduce the benefits and has led to some sub-optimal workarounds.
Also note that "fork" isn't the only operating system mechanism that uses copy-on-write semantics.
Rationale =========
The proposed solution is obvious enough that two people came to the same conclusion (and implementation, more or less) independently. Other designs were also considered. Several possibilities have also been discussed on python-dev in past years.
Alternatives include:
* use a high bit to mark "immortal" but do not change ``Py_INCREF()`` * add an explicit flag to objects * implement via the type (``tp_dealloc()`` is a no-op) * track via the object's type object * track with a separate table
Each of the above makes objects immortal, but none of them address the performance penalties from refcount modification described above.
In the case of per-interpreter GIL, the only realistic alternative is to move all global objects into ``PyInterpreterState`` and add one or more lookup functions to access them. Then we'd have to add some hacks to the C-API to preserve compatibility for the may objects exposed there. The story is much, much simpler with immortal objects
Impact ======
Benefits --------
Most notably, the cases described in the two examples above stand to benefit greatly from immortal objects. Projects using pre-fork can drop their workarounds. For the per-interpreter GIL project, immortal objects greatly simplifies the solution for existing static types, as well as objects exposed by the public C-API.
In general, a strong immutability guarantee for objects enables Python applications to scale like never before. This is because they can then leverage multi-core parallelism without a tradeoff in memory usage. This is reflected in most of the above cases.
Performance -----------
A naive implementation shows `a 4% slowdown`_. Several promising mitigation strategies will be pursued in the effort to bring it closer to performance-neutral.
On the positive side, immortal objects save a significant amount of memory when used with a pre-fork model. Also, immortal objects provide opportunities for specialization in the eval loop that would improve performance.
.. _a 4% slowdown: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/19474#issuecomment-1032944709
Backward Compatibility -----------------------
This proposal is completely compatible. It is internal-only so no API is changing.
The approach is also compatible with extensions compiled to the stable ABI. Unfortunately, they will modify the refcount and invalidate all the performance benefits of immortal objects. However, the high bit of the refcount will still match ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` so we can still identify such objects as immortal.
No user-facing behavior changes, with the following exceptions:
* code that inspects the refcount (e.g. ``sys.getrefcount()`` or directly via ``ob_refcnt``) will see a really, really large value * ``Py_SET_REFCNT()`` will be a no-op for immortal objects
Neither should cause a problem.
Alternate Python Implementations --------------------------------
This proposal is CPython-specific.
Security Implications ---------------------
This feature has no known impact on security.
Maintainability ---------------
This is not a complex feature so it should not cause much mental overhead for maintainers. The basic implementation doesn't touch much code so it should have much impact on maintainability. There may be some extra complexity due to performance penalty mitigation. However, that should be limited to where we immortalize all objects post-init and that code will be in one place.
Non-Obvious Consequences ------------------------
* immortal containers effectively immortalize each contained item * the same is true for objects held internally by other objects (e.g. ``PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses``) * an immortal object's type is effectively immortal * though extremely unlikely (and technically hard), any object could be incref'ed enough to reach ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` and then be treated as immortal
Specification =============
The approach involves these fundamental changes:
* add ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` (the magic value) to the internal C-API * update ``Py_INCREF()`` and ``Py_DECREF()`` to no-op for objects with the magic refcount (or its most significant bit) * do the same for any other API that modifies the refcount * stop modifying ``PyGC_Head`` for immortal containers * ensure that all immortal objects are cleaned up during runtime finalization
Then setting any object's refcount to ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` makes it immortal.
To be clear, we will likely use the most-significant bit of ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` to tell if an object is immortal, rather than comparing with ``_Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT`` directly.
(There are other minor, internal changes which are not described here.)
This is not meant to be a public feature but rather an internal one. So the proposal does *not* including adding any new public C-API, nor any Python API. However, this does not prevent us from adding (publicly accessible) private API to do things like immortalize an object or tell if one is immortal.
Affected API ------------
API that will now ignore immortal objects:
* (public) ``Py_INCREF()`` * (public) ``Py_DECREF()`` * (public) ``Py_SET_REFCNT()`` * (private) ``_Py_NewReference()``
API that exposes refcounts (unchanged but may now return large values):
* (public) ``Py_REFCNT()`` * (public) ``sys.getrefcount()``
(Note that ``_Py_RefTotal`` and ``sys.gettotalrefcount()`` will not be affected.)
Immortal Global Objects -----------------------
The following objects will be made immortal:
* singletons (``None``, ``True``, ``False``, ``Ellipsis``, ``NotImplemented``) * all static types (e.g. ``PyLong_Type``, ``PyExc_Exception``) * all static objects in ``_PyRuntimeState.global_objects`` (e.g. identifiers, small ints)
There will likely be others we have not enumerated here.
Object Cleanup --------------
In order to clean up all immortal objects during runtime finalization, we must keep track of them.
For container objects we'll leverage the GC's permanent generation by pushing all immortalized containers there. During runtime shutdown, the strategy will be to first let the runtime try to do its best effort of deallocating these instances normally. Most of the module deallocation will now be handled by pylifecycle.c:finalize_modules which cleans up the remaining modules as best as we can. It will change which modules are available during __del__ but that's already defined as undefined behavior by the docs. Optionally, we could do some topological disorder to guarantee that user modules will be deallocated first before the stdlib modules. Finally, anything leftover (if any) can be found through the permanent generation gc list which we can clear after finalize_modules.
For non-container objects, the tracking approach will vary on a case-by-case basis. In nearly every case, each such object is directly accessible on the runtime state, e.g. in a ``_PyRuntimeState`` or ``PyInterpreterState`` field. We may need to add a tracking mechanism to the runtime state for a small number of objects.
Documentation -------------
The feature itself is internal and will not be added to the documentation.
We *may* add a note about immortal objects to the following, to help reduce any surprise users may have with the change:
* ``Py_SET_REFCNT()`` (a no-op for immortal objects) * ``Py_REFCNT()`` (value may be surprisingly large) * ``sys.getrefcount()`` (value may be surprisingly large)
Other API that might benefit from such notes are currently undocumented.
We wouldn't add a note anywhere else (including for ``Py_INCREF()`` and ``Py_DECREF()``) since the feature is otherwise transparent to users.
Rejected Ideas ==============
Equate Immortal with Immutable ------------------------------
Making a mutable object immortal isn't particularly helpful. The exception is if you can ensure the object isn't actually modified again. Since we aren't enforcing any immutability for immortal objects it didn't make sense to emphasis that relationship.
Reference Implementation ========================
The implementation is proposed on GitHub:
Open Issues ===========
* is there any other impact on GC?
References ==========
This was discussed in December 2021 on python-dev:
* https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/thread/7O3FUA52Q... * https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/thread/PNLBJBNIQ...
Copyright =========
This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. _______________________________________________ Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/ Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/TPLEYDCX... Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/