The PEP doesn't specify any of the API changes for Python 2.7. I feel it is necessary for the PEP to show a few typical code snippets using urllib in Python 2.7 and how one would modify these in order to disable the cert checking. There are also a few typos; especially this paragraph puzzled me: This will be acheived by adding a new ``ssl._create_default_https_context`` function, which is the same as ``ssl.create_default``. ``http.client`` can then replace it's usage of ``ssl._create_stdlib_context`` with the new ``ssl._create_default_https_context``. (1) spelling: it's achieved, not achieved (2) method name: it's ssl.create_default_context, not ssl.create_default (3) There's not enough whitespace (in the rendered HTML on legacy.python.org) before http.client -- I kept reading it as "... which is the same as ssl.create_default.http.client ..." (4) There's no mention of the Python 2 equivalent of http.client. Finally, it's kind of non-obvious in the PEP that this affects Python 2.7.X (I guess the one after the next) as well as 3.4 and 3.5. On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I've just updated the PEP to reflect the API suggestions from Nick, and the fact that the necessary changes to urllib were landed.
I think this is ready for pronouncement, Guido?
Cheers, Alex
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