Armin Rigo <arigo@tunes.org> writes:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 05:08:36PM +0000, Michael Hudson wrote:
be getting a 12-25% decrease in memory use for the base object, though.
More than that in the good cases. Something I forgot was that you'd probably have to knock variable length types on the head.
Assuming "to knock on the head" means "to put an end to": If you put all objects of the same type into a pool, you really want all objects to have the same side, inside a pool. With that assumption, garbage objects can be reallocated without causing fragmentation. If objects in a pool have different sizes, it is not possible to have an efficient reallocation strategy. Of course, you could try to make a compacting garbage collector, but that would break the current programming model even more (as object references would stop being pointers). Regards, Martin