Antoine Pitrou wrote:
M.-A. Lemburg <mal <at>> writes:
IMHO, it would be a lot better to add full Unicode support for line breaks to the io layer. Given that the code for the complicated handling of the CRLF combination is already there, it's not difficult to add support for the remaining line break characters.
I'm not against anything in principle here, but I'd just like to point out two things:
1. Changing line break semantics would break compatibility with the current behaviour, and it would also diverge from what the `newline` parameter specifies; this may be annoying if, for example, the TextIOWrapper class is used to parse some network protocols with a rigorous line ending definition
Sure, but that would still be possible using the newline parameter. We'd only have to find a way to tell the io layer "accept all Unicode line break characters".
2. It would be useful to have some input by the original designers of the IO library (the PEP lists Guido, Daniel Stutzbach and Mike Verdone, but I suppose other people were involved)
Fair enough. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Aug 07 2009)
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