myself), I just didn't dare to put such a limit on my jython implementation.
[James C. Ahlstrom]
I don't understand the jpython implementation, so please point out all problems so we can fix them now.
A naive implementation (like the first one I made for Jython) does not try to handle the cleanup issues. For example, how much memory have been consumed and not freed after the last statement in this little silly program: import sys, zipfile, time zip = zipfile.ZipFile("archive.zip", "w") for i in range(10000): entry = zipfile.ZipInfo() entry.filename = "module%06d.py" % i entry.date_time = time.gmtime(time.time()) zip.writestr(entry, "# Not used\n") zip.close() sys.path.append("archive.zip") try: import notfound except ImportError: pass sys.path.pop() If I read your preliminary patch correctly, the 10000 entries will remain in the ArchiveMembers dict forever and that is perfectly fine after Guido comments on sys.path being mostly a static feature. Jython manage to clean the member-cache when an archive is removed from sys.path but is was quite tricky to achieve. We do it by replacing zip entries in sys.path (like "archive.zip") with a subclass of string (SyspathArchive) that also holds a reference to the member cache. From pythons POV the sys.path entry is still a string with the same value (but with a different id). regards, finn