On 26-nov-03, at 21:56, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
I'm adding section to the tutorial with a brief sampling of library offerings and some short examples of how to use them.
My first draft included: copy, glob, shelve, pickle, os, re, math/cmath, urllib, smtplib
My 2 cents (and actually what I plan to do for MacPython, Some Day:-): pick a small number of tutorials where you solve toy versions of real world problems from different domains. For example you could do a "publish spreadsheet to website" where you showcase csv, and urllib, or maybe the reverse "turn html table into csv" so you can show htmllib too); "analyse some sort of logfile" where you could probably show datetime, re and maybe glob and optparse; "something scientific" could probably show cmath and random and a few others; "form mailer" could show cgi, pprint and email. I think the advantage of examples from real world problem domains is that people will pick the one that they can relate to, and hence not only will they understand what the problem is all about (i.e. people won't look at a complex number example if they haven't a clue what a complex number is), but also the functionality demonstrated should produce the "aha!" that we're after. -- Jack Jansen, <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman