Terry Reedy schrieb:
"Georg Brandl" <g.brandl@gmx.net> wrote in message news:f2bnlr$b14$1@sea.gmane.org... | Terry Reedy schrieb: | > How about asking a Python specific question, with answered filled in rather | > that multiple choice selected: I would be willing to make up a bunch.
And I would spend longer than a couple of minutes at 3am to do so.
| There are two problems with this: | * The set of questions is limited,
but unbounded. I would aim for, say, 50 to start
| and bots can be programmed to know them all.
by hacking into the site? or by repeated failed attempts?
By requesting a registration form over and over, and recording all questions. A human would then answer them, which is easily done for 50 questions (provided that they are *not* targeted at experienced Python programmers, which shouldn't be done).
Then someone has to answer the questions correctly to put the correct answers in. A lot of work for very temporary access (a day?) to one site.
Assuming that you don't replace all questions after killing the bot account, he can get the access again very easily.
Then maybe I reword the questions or add new ones, so more programming is needed.
| * Even programmers might not immediately know an answer, and I can | understand them turning away on that occasion (take for example the "name- | binding" term).
I would expect and want review by others, including non-American, non-native-English speakers to weed out unintended obscurities and ambiguities.
That's necessary in any case. Georg