This is
my first post, so here's a quick intro: I've recently joined the IronPython
team at Microsoft, after about 6 years as a developer on the the .NET runtime
currently trying to make IronPython match CPython's behavior regarding
some % format string to a level of detail not documented by the spec. (
exploring to determine what CPython's behavior is, I'm hitting a SystemError in
the following snippet:
class c(long):
def __oct__(self):
return '100'
oct(x) # expected to print 100
'%o' % x # expected to use print '5'
It looks
like in CPython, '%o' uses __int__ and so it should ignore __oct__ and print 5.
I'm hitting an SystemError in CPython with this snippet:
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32
bit (Intel)] onwin32
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>>> class c(long):
... def __oct__(self):
... return '100'
>>> x=c(5)
>>> oct(x) # expected to print 100
>>> '%o' % x # expected to use print '5'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
SystemError: \loewis\25\python\Objects\stringobject.c:4236: bad argument to
internal function
that if c derives from 'int' instead of 'long', everything works as expected.
1. Can
somebody confirm that '%o' should not use __oct__ and that is uses __int__
instead, and that the correct output from ('%o' % x) is indeed 5?
2. Should I file a bug for the SystemError exception?