Hi Jesse,

I'm not sure what the most appropriate thing to do is. I could:
  (a) leave any multiprocessing changes to you,
  (b) alter the functioning of the method queue_empty inside test_multiprocessing to test for emptiness in a different manner

I'm happy to go ahead and try my hand at making the appropriate changes but I don't want to tread in areas of the code that other people have ownership of.

It appears as though the only place in multiprocessing which uses the deprecated call is in the test_multiprocessing file.

I also found a call to Queue.empty in wsgui.py. I don't see any authorship tags at the top of this file but the last commiter was Andrew Kuchling. Do I need to contact him regarding this or is it appropriate for me to make the appropriate modifications without consulting him?

Apologies to anyone if I appear to be overly tentative OR overly pushy -- I am aware that some people take a great deal of personal ownership of their works, while others are impatient with a soft approach.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:41 PM, <jnoller@gmail.com> wrote:
Yup, I'd need to remove support in multiprocessing too.

On Mar 4, 2009 8:39pm, Tennessee Leeuwenburg <tleeuwenburg@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, just FYI... sorry for any list pollution
> I went ahead and tried adding a warning to my local checkout. The test suite raised a DeprecationWarning -- it appears those methods are currently in use by other Lib code:
> test_multibytecodec_support
> test_multiprocessing
> /home/tjl/python3/lib/python3.1/queue.py:98: DeprecationWarning: Queue.empty() is deprecated, and won't be in 3.2.
>   DeprecationWarning)
> /home/tjl/python3/lib/python3.1/queue.py:109: DeprecationWarning: Queue.full() is deprecated, and won't be in 3.2.
>   DeprecationWarning)
> /home/tjl/python3/lib/python3.1/queue.py:98: DeprecationWarning: Queue.empty() is deprecated, and won't be in 3.2.
>   DeprecationWarning)
> /home/tjl/python3/lib/python3.1/queue.py:109: DeprecationWarning: Queue.full() is deprecated, and won't be in 3.2.
>   DeprecationWarning)
> test_mutants
> test_netrc
> test_nis
> Regards,
> -T
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com> wrote:
> Just noticed that the empty() and full() methods were still there.
> IIRC, we agreed to take them out (but leaving qsize() exposed).
> The docs entries and test cases were taken out, but the actual
> methods were accidentally left in.
> If so, the only thing to do is deprecate it in 3.1 for removal in 3.2.
> I recommend adding a warning to 3.0.2 and removing in 3.1.
> Waiting for more 3.x uptake doesn't serve our users well.
> IIRC, that was the rationale for cmp() removal in 3.0.1.
> Even in 2.x, these methods were documented as being unreliable and were removed from the 3.0 docs entirely.
> We discussed removing them and most of the work was done.  
> Guido, any thoughts?
> Raymond
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> --------------------------------------------------
> Tennessee Leeuwenburg
> http://myownhat.blogspot.com/
> "Don't believe everything you think"

Tennessee Leeuwenburg
"Don't believe everything you think"