On May 2, 7:54 am, Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
I can only speak from my own experience, which is that whenever I've had a problem involving multiple inheritance, super() didn't solve it. What did solve it was either refactoring so that the classes being mixed were more independent, or finding another solution that didn't require multiple inheritance.
Usually the new solution turned out to be better in other ways as well, so I've come to regard multiple inheritance issues as a code smell suggesting that I need to rethink something.
This is my experience as well. I have not found a real life problem yet that I could not solve with single inheritance + composition/delegation in a better and more maintainable way than using multiple inheritance. Also, I have come to believe that cooperative methods are a wart (it is too difficult to reason about them, they are fragile, and overall I see them as an unneeded complication in everyday coding). But we are stuck with multiple inheritance now and there is already a lot of code out there using it, so in the present situation we have to cope with it and to make it more usable, so I welcome the new super. I think that it should be made a keyword tough (it is too magic now not to be one). Michele Simionato