On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 2:02 PM Steve Dower <steve.dower@python.org> wrote:
All the C99 library is supposedly supported, but there are (big?) gaps in the compiler support.
Some Visual Studio 2019 updates on the Microsoft blog. March 2020: C99 _Pragma https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/announcing-full-support-for-a-c-c-con...
The _Pragma operator has been one of the long-standing deficiencies of the preprocessor, and a blocker in being standard conformant in C++ and C99.
September 2020: C11 and C17 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/c11-and-c17-standard-support-arriving... Maybe a more practical approach would be to use C99 "except of features not supported by MSVC of Visual Studio 2019"? In practice, we can try to support VS 2017, the version currently recommended by the devguide: https://devguide.python.org/setup/#windows-compiling We already have fallbacks for compilers which don't support C99. We don't have to remove these fallbacks if they are still needed by popular C compilers. For example, I'm fine with keeping basic compatbility support with ICC if it remains reasonable, even if we don't "officially" support ICC (ex: no buildbot). Victor -- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.