On Jun 29, 2004, at 5:50 AM, Gareth McCaughan wrote:
Excuse me, but when you're implying that Philip is "strategically myopic and slightly programming-language illiterate" and asking "what is your damage?" and calling his comments "bullshit" and likening him to "an ignorant school-marm", you are not in a great position to take the moral high ground about being either "aggressive" or "defensive".
Sorry, yes, you're correct. I apologize to Phil and the list. It's just rather frustrating to get beat all to hell (and told patronizingly to "read" a freakin' PEP I've read, repeatedly, before even speaking up) for no apparent reason just for raising what IMHO are rather legitimate concerns. My bad, I'll go back to lurk and if this particular feature turns out to be the giant hairball it appears to be I won't say anything. :-/ jb