Hi Ilya, I'm not sure that this mailing list (Python-Dev) is the right place for this discussion, I think that Python-Ideas (CCed) is the correct place. For the benefit of Python-Ideas, I have left your entire post below, to establish context. [Ilya]
I needed reversed(enumerate(x: list)) in my code, and have discovered that it wound't work. This is disappointing because operation is well defined.
It isn't really well-defined, since enumerate can operate on infinite iterators, and you cannot reverse an infinite stream. Consider: def values(): while True: yield random.random() a, b = reversed(enumerate(values()) What should the first pair of (a, b) be? However, having said that, I think that your idea is not unreasonable. `enumerate(it)` in the most general case isn't reversable, but if `it` is reversable and sized, there's no reason why `enumerate(it)` shouldn't be too. My personal opinion is that this is a fairly obvious and straightforward enhancement, one which (hopefully!) shouldn't require much, if any, debate. I don't think we need a new class for this, I think enhancing enumerate to be reversable if its underlying iterator is reversable makes good sense. But if you can show some concrete use-cases, especially one or two from the standard library, that would help your case. Or some other languages which offer this functionality as standard. On the other hand, I think that there is a fairly lightweight work around. Define a helper function: def countdown(n): while True: yield n n -= 1 then call it like this: # reversed(enumerate(seq)) zip(countdown(len(seq)-1), reversed(seq))) So it isn't terribly hard to work around this. But I agree that it would be nice if enumerate encapsulated this for the caller. One potentially serious question: what should `enumerate.__reversed__` do when given a starting value? reversed(enumerate('abc', 1)) Should that yield...? # treat the start value as a start value (1, 'c'), (0, 'b'), (-1, 'a') # treat the start value as an end value (3, 'c'), (2, 'b'), (1, 'a') Something else? My preference would be to treat the starting value as an ending value. Steven On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 08:45:34PM +0200, Ilya Kamenshchikov wrote:
I needed reversed(enumerate(x: list)) in my code, and have discovered that it wound't work. This is disappointing because operation is well defined. It is also well defined for str type, range, and - in principle, but not yet in practice - on dictionary iterators - keys(), values(), items() as dictionaries are ordered now. It would also be well defined on any user type implementing __iter__, __len__, __reversed__ - think numpy arrays, some pandas dataframes, tensors.
That's plenty of usecases, therefore I guess it would be quite useful to avoid hacky / inefficient solutions like described here: https://code.activestate.com/lists/python-list/706205/.
If deemed useful, I would be interested in implementing this, maybe together with __reversed__ on dict keys, values, items.
Best Regards, -- Ilya Kamen
----------- p.s.
*Sketch* of what I am proposing:
class reversible_enumerate:
def __init__(self, iterable): self.iterable = iterable self.ctr = 0
def __iter__(self): for e in self.iterable: yield self.ctr, e self.ctr += 1
def __reversed__(self): try: ri = reversed(self.iterable) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "enumerate can only be reversed if iterable to enumerate can be reversed and has defined length." ) from e
try: l = len(self.iterable) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "enumerate can only be reversed if iterable to enumerate can be reversed and has defined length." ) from e
indexes = range(l-1, -1, -1) for i, e in zip(indexes, ri): yield i, e
for i, c in reversed(reversible_enumerate("Hello World")): print(i, c)
for i, c in reversed(reversible_enumerate([11, 22, 33])):
print(i, c)
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