I recall actually really liking the docstring. I think there are situations where the test name just can't be sufficiently explanatory. IIRC in the past we didn't print the docstring at all and it felt right when it was added.

ATM I'm not using unittest for anything so I don't have a strong opinion.

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 8:21 AM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
On 3/27/2022 10:51 AM, Jelle Zijlstra wrote:

El sáb, 26 mar 2022 a las 17:51, Itay Yeshaya (<itay.yeshaya@gmail.com>) escribió:

Any thoughts on the mentioned solutions?

This is a bit more out there, but can anyone explain why we show the docstring at all? As far as I can tell it causes a bunch of confusion and helps little. If there's a failing test, I want the test name so I can quickly find it in the code; I don't want the docstring which may not even be unique.

I think this is a good idea. The target audience for a docstring isn't the people trying to track down failing tests.


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