Ka-Ping Yee <ping@lfw.org>:
I'm not actually that clear on what the general feeling is about this PEP. Moshe seems to be happy with the first part but not the rest; Tim, do you have a similar position? Eric and Greg both disagreed with Moshe's counter-proposal; does that mean you like the original, or that you would rather do something different altogether?
I haven't yet heard a proposal that I find compelling. And, I have to admit, I've grown somewhat confused about the alternatives on offer. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences. -- C. S. Lewis