Having been active in bug triage and patch writing/reviewing since late 2009, it was suggested in the python-dev IRC channel that I request commit access to the repository. I'm primarily a Windows user and have worked with many of the other active contributors to diagnose issues and test patches when they don't have direct access to Windows.
Brian Curtin
+1 from me too. I've been working with Brian in IRC, and also at the Pycon sprint. Brian is careful with his code and very responsive to feedback. And we need more Windows devs :)
Procedurally, I wonder where people got the notion from that you can or need to apply for commit access. IIUC, it used to be the case that you would be recommended for commit access, by some (more or less senior) fellow committer. That person then would work on actually getting commit access to the new committer - perhaps by first asking other people in private, to avoid any public embarrassment if access is ultimately denied. IMO, that committer should then also mentor the new guy, both by helping out in difficult cases, and by closely following commits to see whether (possibly unstated) conventions are being followed. I'm not really picking on Brian here specifically, I just want to point out that I dislike this (apparent) change in process, primarily because of the risk of embarrassment. With all that said: I'm also fine with giving access to Brian (in particular due to the endorsements that have already been posted). I still would like somebody to step forward as a mentor, and I would need Brian to send me his SSH key. Regards, Martin