On approximately 2/27/2010 5:25 PM, came the following characters from the keyboard of Greg Ewing:
Glenn Linderman wrote:
What I did was:
python -m test ren test.pyc foo.py foo.py
and it worked.
Source files mentioned on the command line aren't required to have a .py extension. I think what's happening is that the interpreter ignores the filename altogether in that case and examines the contents of the file to figure out what it is, in order to support running .pyc files from the command line.
Thanks for the explanation. Brett mentioned something like runpy vs import using different techniques. Which is OK, I guess, but if the command line/runpy can do it, the importer could do it. Just a matter of desire and coding. Whether it is worth pursuing further depends on people's perceptions of "kookiness" vs. functional and performance considerations. -- Glenn -- http://nevcal.com/ =========================== A protocol is complete when there is nothing left to remove. -- Stuart Cheshire, Apple Computer, regarding Zero Configuration Networking