On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
stays ordered across deletions" part of the ruling is true in CPython 3.6.

I don't know what guidance to give Eric, because I don't know what other implementations do nor whether Eric cares about being compatible with those. IIUC micropython does not guarantee this currently, but I don't know if they claim Python 3.6 compatibility -- in fact I can't find any document that specifies the Python version they're compatible with more precisely than "Python 3".

​They currently specify 3.4+. 

MicroPython implements the entire Python 3.4 syntax (including exceptions, withyield from, etc., and additionally async/await keywords from Python 3.5). The following core datatypes are provided: str (including basic Unicode support), bytesbytearraytuplelistdictsetfrozensetarray.arraycollections.namedtuple, classes and instances. Builtin modules include systime, and struct, etc. Select ports have support for _thread module (multithreading). Note that only a subset of Python 3 functionality is implemented for the data types and modules.

Note the emphasis I added on the last sentence.