Guido van Rossum wrote:
Way to go, Christian!
I did so. Now I'm back, and I have to say it was phantastic. People in Korea are very nice, and the Python User Group consists of very enthusiastic Pythoneers. There were over 700 participants for the seminar, and they didn't have enough chairs for everybody. Changjune did a very well-done presentation for beginners. I was merged into it for special details, future plans, and the Q&A part. It was a lesson for me, to see how to present difficult stuff. Korea is a very prolific ground for Python. Only few outside of Korea know about this. I suggested to open up the group for non-local actions, and they are planning to add an international HTML tree to their website. Professor Lee just got the first print of "Learning Python" which he translated into Korean. We promised each other to exchange our translation. And so on, lots of new friendships. I will come back in autumn for the next seminar. Today I started a Hangul course, after Chanjune tought be the principles of the phonetic syllables. Nice language! ciao - chris.or.kr -- Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@tismer.com> Mission Impossible 5oftware : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's Kaunstr. 26 : *Starship* http://starship.python.net 14163 Berlin : PGP key -> http://wwwkeys.pgp.net PGP Fingerprint E182 71C7 1A9D 66E9 9D15 D3CC D4D7 93E2 1FAE F6DF where do you want to jump today? http://www.stackless.com