On Fri, 15 May 2020 at 16:01, David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
I'm a little frustrated by the tone in which the PEP dismisses the option that is most supported in the discussion. It fine for Brandt to have a different preference himself, but I think it ought to be presented more neutrally.
Agreed. The PEP gives the impression that consensus was reached, but I don't think that's the case. My feeling is that opinions are rather evenly split between the approach in the PEP and an itertools function. I also feel that proposing an itertools function would have been a *lot* less controversial, so the tone in the PEP feels a little like it's defending a weak position by aggressively opposing alternatives. After all, one of the benefits of an itertools function is that it probably wouldn't have needed a PEP in the first place! Actually, looking at the reasons for rejection of the itertools option in the PEP:
It seems that a great deal of the motivation driving this alternative is that zip_longest already exists in itertools.
Nope, the biggest motivation is that an itertools addition would have been *significantly less controversial*. Paul