On 21 July 2015 at 19:40, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
All of this is why the chart that I believe should be worrying people is the topmost one on this page: http://bugs.python.org/issue?@template=stats
Both the number of open issues and the number of open issues with patches are steadily trending upwards. That means the bottleneck in the current process *isn't* getting patches written in the first place, it's getting them up to the appropriate standards and applied. Yet the answer to the problem isn't a simple "recruit more core developers", as the existing core developers are *also* the bottleneck in the review and mentoring process for *new* core developers.
Those charts doesn't show patches in 'commit-review' - http://bugs.python.org/issue?%40columns=title&%40columns=id&stage=5&%40columns=activity&%40sort=activity&status=1&%40columns=status&%40pagesize=50&%40startwith=0&%40sortdir=on&%40action=search There are only 45 of those patches. AIUI - and I'm very new to core here - anyone in triagers can get patches up to commit-review status. I think we should set a goal to keep inventory low here - e.g. review and either bounce back to patch review, or commit, in less than a month. Now - a month isn't super low, but we have lots of stuff greater than a month. For my part, I'm going to pick up more or less one thing a day and review it, but I think it would be great if other committers were to also to do this: if we had 5 of us doing 1 a day, I think we'd burn down this 45 patch backlog rapidly without significant individual cost. At which point, we can fairly say to folk doing triage that we're ready for patches :) -Rob -- Robert Collins <rbtcollins@hp.com> Distinguished Technologist HP Converged Cloud