Michael Hudson wrote:
"M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com> writes:
Oooh, here's something a bit more serious though:
u'aAaAaA'.capitalize() u'AAaAaA'
Something obviously Needs To Be Done. My hunch is to change string_capitalize, but that may be just me (and probably Barry).
Ouch. That's a bug.
Here's what the string.py module has to say about this BTW:
I said "string_capitalize", i.e. "stringobject.c:string_capitalize",
The string methods were built closely after the string module functions, so that's what the reference is...
i.e I think
should result in
We're not doing too well at understanding each other today, are we?
Note that .title() is very similar to the way string.capitalize() works. unicode.title() also uses the title case information available for Unicode characters.
Ah yes. So in the interests of reducing redunancy, .capitalize should probably do something usefully different...
Depends... we'll still need some sort of compatibility with string.py. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Company: http://www.egenix.com/ Consulting: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/