Greetings list, I am going to start tinkering with the Python source again (on Linux) I previously built the source etc using Visual Studio on Windows Now the EFL ui libs re-ignited my passion for C while playing with python-efl And Chris last proposal made me want to re-play with the CPython codebase I dedicate time for Open Source as a maintainer but also as a learner. So i'd like to ask so as to maximise my chances playing around with CPython - Any well grounded C tutorial to recommend? I know CPP but need a recommendation for C which is easy to follow and goes deep the C way. Or really any tutorial/s which are helpful like code styles or any series or ... - Any coding environment which you recommend? - For devs guide i know there is the official docs, and VStinner's unofficial but very helpful guide and a core dev's book published. Is there anything to know? - Any more tips around? I guess sooner or later people figure out things but i'd be very happy to have some C tips which will certainly provide a speed boost. Thanks in advance! Kind Regards, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer about <https://compileralchemy.github.io/> | blog <https://www.pythonkitchen.com> github <https://github.com/Abdur-RahmaanJ> Mauritius