barry@python.org (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:
I'm not sure we'd want to distribute either the source or binary though. They're fairly large. If we did, I'd recommend BerkeleyDB 4.0.14, not the latest version, because bsddb3 doesn't yet build on 4.1.24 because of some incompatible API changes, IIUC.
libdb33.dll is 470k, which might be acceptable. I agree that distributing the source is pointless.
Martin, what do you plan to do about the pybsddb test suite?
I would ignore it, or put it in non-dist (in case this indicates the end of the pybsddb project).
Maybe we include none of that, but simply "import" the code into Python and re-sync whenever it's appropriate.
That is my proposal. Initially, there would be no user-visible change, as it would operate in compatible mode. We could then incorporate more documentation as we go along. Regards, Martin