Not at all. I meant that people who prove to understand the basic development strategy, and also provided correct working and non-breaking patches, could get commit access more easily.
That procedure is already in place: If you want commit privileges, just step forward and say that you want. In the past, Guido has set a
<niemeyer steps forward>
policy that people who's commit privilege is fresh will still have to use SF, but can perform the checkin themselves.
That's ok with me. I think that besides that being the case for people who's just got commit access, any serious developer will submit a patch for review whenever he's not sure about something.
I've been contributing to GCC for a while, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that this won't work. If you don't make documentation a commit prerequisite, you never get it. [...]
Ouch.. :-( Thanks again Martin! -- Gustavo Niemeyer [ 2AAC 7928 0FBF 0299 5EB5 60E2 2253 B29A 6664 3A0C ]