Neal Norwitz schrieb:
By private, I mean internal only to python and don't need to prefix their identifiers with Py and are subject to change without backwards compatibility. Include/graminit.h is one example of what I mean. Some others are: bitset.h, grammar.h, opcode.h, metagrammar.h, errcode.h
Ah. This seems to be a requirement completely different from the one I'm talking about. By this definition, object.h is *not* an internal header file, yet I want it to be renamed. As for this issue: how about moving all such private header files out of Include entirely? The parser-related ones should go into Parser, for example (grammar.h, bitset.h, graminit.h, metagrammar.h, errcode.h). This would leave us with opcode.h only.
Others are kinda questionable (they have some things that are definitely public, others I'm not so sure about): code.h, parsetok.h, pyarena.h, longintrepr.h, osdefs.h, pgen.h, node.h
Thomas said that at least code.h must stay where it is. What is the reason that you want them to be renamed? Regards, Martin